Wednesday, 28 November 2012



  1. Play to the marked out red lines.
  2. Ball can not be kicked over head height, If it is it's the oppositions free kick.
  3. Keepers are allowed anywhere on the court.
  4. Keepers are only aloud 3 seconds from a goal kick.
  5. Outfield players are only allowed 3 seconds from a kick in.
  6. If any team commits 5 fouls every foul after that 5 will result in an free kick for the opposition.
 Open Day

9:00Am - Meet and greet the students, inform them on the upcoming day, get them mixing and talking to people they don't know.

10:00Am - Half an hour worth of fitness training, A 400m run, 60 second sit up and press up test.

10:30Am - Break for the students.

11:00Am - Head tennis games, teams of four.

12:00m - Dinner for the students

1:00Pm - 6 a-side futsal tournament played with the rules above.

3:00Pm - Get feed back from students.

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